Think back to a moment when after a long period of waiting for something, you finally received it. Whether it was a new computer game that was months in the making and finally hit the shelves, or a much-needed vacation after exhausting and hard work… how did you feel then?
Similarly, we food enthusiasts, eagerly await the first spring vegetables that add variety to dishes, give them an attractive freshness, and are delicious and pleasantly crunchy. And finally, they are here – spring delicacies, tempting with their color and shape, true vitamin bombs!
Which vegetables are in season now? Fill your shopping basket primarily with chives, lettuce, scallions, parsley, radishes, young carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and watercress.
The topic of spring delicacies can be controversial because they may contain slightly more pesticide residues than fully in-season vegetables. However, there are ways to ensure that eating spring vegetables is entirely safe.
How to handle spring vegetables to reap their benefits? We present the spring vegetables safety instructions:
Buy organic
Plants grown in organic systems are produced without chemical pesticides, so young vegetables from organic crops have significantly fewer harmful substances.
vegetables that look natural, of medium size, firm, and without visible discoloration.
Wash them
thoroughly. Soaking vegetables for about 30 minutes and washing them thoroughly can remove around 20% of the amount of nitrates that dissolve in water.
Discard a few leaves of lettuce
because pesticide residues accumulate in them the most
Peel root
boiled spring delicacies contain fewer nitrates.
Do not keep spring vegetables in a plastic bag
Instead, lay them on a damp paper towel and store them in the fridge.
Pay attention
to the appearance of the vegetables. They should not have yellow leaves, which indicate the use of strong fertilizers.
Nowalijki są zdrowe i warto je jeść. Aby jednak w pełni wykorzystać ich potencjał, należy kupować je z dobrego źródła, odpowiednio myć i przechowywać.
Interested? You can read more about spring delicacy crops and their values in the articles below: